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Hue Imperial Citadel – The Classical & Romantic Beauties

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  • Hue Imperial Citadel – The Classical & Romantic Beauties

    Hue Citadel is located at the Northern bank of the poetic river – Perfume River.

    Hue has been chosen as the capital city of the Southern Kingdom by all Lords Nguyen and officially became the capital under Tay Son Dynasty for approximately 400 years. Hue royal complex has been officially recognized by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.

    When you visit Hue, I am sure that you will feel very surprised with its beauty. The Royal complex is very magnificent and extensive; the beauty of nature is also very romantic with the Perfume River etc… You will be immersed in the folk songs which characterized of Hue and also delight in many traditional and royal foods.

    Traveling to Hue, you cannot miss the chance to visit the Hue Royal Complex. The complex of Hue Monument is a typical sophisticated combination of the architecture and nature, the Eastern and Western architecture based on the North and the South in compass, which have 3 rounds: the outside one is the wall, the middle is the imperial citadel and the imperial palace is in the last one. Palaces are splendid and magnificent along grandiose Ky Dai and Ngo Mon.
    On the yard of The Mieu (Temple), there is a treasure called nine crowns decorated with picturesque and vivid patterns about nature, plants, animals and customs of Vietnamese. It reflected the technological achievement and cooper casting art in the 19th century. 7 royal tombs have their own architectural stylishness and impressive characteristics of 9 Nguyen dynasties. There are some antique temples that still remain now such as Thien Mu, Dieu De, Tu Dam, Thuyen Ton, Thanh Duyen…
    Especially, Hue is not only associated with the beauty of these ancient temples, citadels, tombs … but also the legendary natural landscape as the Perfume River, Ngu Mountain, Canh Duong beach, Lang Co beach, Bach Ma Mountain. Perfume River – Ngu Binh Mountain are the priceless gift that the creator has bestowed to make the beauty as “Son Thuy Huu Tinh” for Hue. Perfume River has wonderful beauty, winding between mountains, hills and trees to bring the taste of fragrant tropical plants. Moreover, going out by boat to see the poetic Huong Giang and hear the Hue folk songs at the night. It means very pleasures of many tourists.Together with the Perfume River, Ngu Binh Mountain is the second priceless gift of nature. We can say that Ngu Binh Mountain in the south is used as a front screening elevation. Two sand dunes of The Con Hen and Con Da Vien on the Perfume River are chosen as geomancy condition “dragon on the left, tiger on the right” to protect the capital city.

    In general, Hue City is not only a wonderful arch but also combining gorgeous, imposing nature and poetic of Hue.Ancient Hue including Perfume River and Ngu Mountain, palaces and citadels, tombs and temples with hundreds of historic years are being embellished and recovered by notes contribution of Vietnamese and International community in order to keep Hue City as World Cultural Heritage.
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  • #2
    Possibly no one knows when Banh Khot appeared in Vietnam’s cuisine. What is clear is that Vung Tau has certainly become the place to try it. Banh Khot is also available at several restaurants in town at all hours of the day. Local people as well as tourists go on Vietnam luxury travel and come to Vung Tau can enjoy this food all the days in the year: from usual days to holidays in Vietnam.


    • #3
      Hue Imperial Citadel is a most famous historical place of Vietnam. It is most promising one destination among the hitory lovers. Its historical spots attracts the visitors each year. I have been there about few months ago with my friends. We stay there for few hours and had lots of fun there. I think you should go there once if you like to see historical places.


      • #4
        I am going to agree with you jack567! Vietnam has many attractions but, most famous in all of them its Hue Imperial Citadel as its history. I have also visited there at once in my life but now I have a plan to go there again but this time, I will go there with my friend. Now I am busy in my boston to philadelphia tours but after this tour I will go there. Can you like to share with me its accommodations names?

