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Travel Advice


Find travel advice and information.

Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Speaking of accommodations in general
Topics: 140 Posts: 925
140 925
Resorts (11/80)
Hotels (57/337)
Adventure Travel
In this travel related forum we focus discussions on adventure travelling and all that it may cover.
Topics: 122 Posts: 1,242
122 1,242
Discussion about backpacking in the world
Topics: 22 Posts: 149
22 149
Business Travel
Discussion about business travel.
Topics: 37 Posts: 281
37 281
Discount Travel
Discussion about discount travel.
Topics: 31 Posts: 328
31 328
Food and Travel
What country has the best cuisine? What did you eat that made you sick? What on earth is airline food really made of? and general discussion related with food and travel.
Topics: 75 Posts: 1,036
Last Post: Travel to Vietnam
75 1,036
Travel Community
Share you travel experiences with the community. This is the place to network with others and getting travel contacts.
Topics: 102 Posts: 436
102 436
Pen Pals (3/21)
Travel Diary (7/28)
Travel Partners (10/33)
Travel and Health
Discuss the importance of vaccines, side affects of medications, water safety worries and other health and travel questions including health insurance
Topics: 1,570 Posts: 2,065
1,570 2,065
Travel and Finance
Discussion about travel and finance
Topics: 23 Posts: 153
23 153
Travel Guide
Discussion about travel guides for different destinations and personal experiences.
Topics: 127 Posts: 690
127 690
Travel Literature
Discussion about travel literature
Topics: 12 Posts: 106
12 106
by Taylor
Travel Services
Discussion about different travel services.
Topics: 213 Posts: 931
213 931
Car Rental (66/187)
Travel Agents (46/168)
Visa Service (8/18)
Travel Ways
Different ways of travelling. Air, bus, car, cruise and by train.
Topics: 58 Posts: 264
58 264
Air Travel (20/109)
Cruise Travel (24/48)
Train Travel (4/20)